Time synchronization

This section describes how to configure crontab tasks in the PXI.

How to use crontab in the PXIs

For the PXIs the crontab tasks are not managed the usual way, with the crontab -e command. Instead a file must be created at /etc/cron.d with the following format: m  h  dom  mon  dow  user  command.

Project specific installation

This section contains the crontab tasks related to the TMA project.

Removing old log files

For debugging a custom log is used, by default this is saved at /home/lvuser/log but these are not managed by the LabVIEW code once written, therefore a custom script was created to remove the old log files. To use this script follow these steps:

  • Copy the main.py file, from this repo to the desired location in the PXI, recommended location: /home/admin/file-history-deletion

  • Create a file inside /etc/cron.d called teknikerRemoveOldLogs

  • Add the following lines to the teknikerRemoveOldLogs file:

    # Remove old telemetry files
    # m  h  dom mon dow user       command
    0 9 * * * root python3 /home/admin/file-history-deletion/main.py

    This will execute the script every day at 9 AM to remove the old files